Sunday, February 11, 2007

Proenza Schouler for Target

I love Target's Go International campaign. Here is a summer-version and winter-version of a dress by the latest collaborators Proenza Schouler, whose collection I found to be fresh, youthful, and fun. (Forgive my lethargy in the ironing department.)

DIY: dresses from the lazy seamstress

A. I bought a cobalt blue sweater skirt at Savers, added straps, and what do you know?!
A dress.

B. I laid down a dress and a top on some fabric (for the shape), started cutting, and added a red stripe to both sides because I haven't really seen that for some reason.

C. I augmented a 1970s blouse pattern to create a navy polka dot 1940s-style dress.

You too can be lazy like me and still make stuff.

Inspiration/Interpretation: Fall '07 NYC Fashion Week

The "Interpretation" is soon to come.

runway photos taken from

Thursday, February 1, 2007

DIY: knitting

This is the first scarf - the first anything - that I ever knitted. I made it a week or two ago, and I am extremely proud of it. I have used a guidebook my good friend gave me, as well as "Stitch 'n Bitch" by Debbie Stoller to teach myself. I look forward to creating new and better items.
Eventually, I want to get the knitting books "Twinkle's Big City Knits" by Wenlan Chia and "Domiknitrix by Jennifer Stafford.